School Year Calendar

School Year Calendar

All the important dates for this school year


Mental Health

Mental Health

Learn more about caring for yourself and others


Take Action

Report It!
Take Action

Where students can get help when bullied and harassed



YCDSB Multi-Year
Strategic Plan

The Board’s guiding document until 2028





School News


Open House/Meet The Teacher

St. Justin Martyr’s  annual Open House/Meet the Teacher will be on Thursday September 19, 2024 from 6:00-7:00pm. Take the opportunity to meet the SJN staff, learn about your child’s curriculum and visit their classroom.


We look forward to seeing everyone!

2024-2025- Catholic School Council Nomination

We welcome all parents interested in becoming part of the St. Justin Martyr School Council.  The CSC Nomination deadline is Monday September 23rd, 2024.  Please refer to the CSC Constitution located on our website for details.  Nominees must be in attendance at the election September 25th, 2024 at 7:00pm.

CSC Nomination Form

Google Form Link- ... Continue reading "2024-2025- Catholic School Council Nomination"

SJN First Day Procedures

The first day of school is Tuesday, September 3rd at 9:00am.  Students from Grades 1-8 are asked to meet in the school yard where they will be greeted by their classroom teacher. Kindergarten students will meet in the Kindergarten pen area.

Please have your child assemble by the grade-numbered signs that will be posted around the pavement. There is a map provided for ... Continue reading "SJN First Day Procedures"

Safe Arrival Absence Reporting Procedure

At St. Justin Martyr’, one of our greatest priorities is ensuring that all our students arrive safely to school everyday. In order to report your child(ren)’s absence or late, you are required to access our Safe Arrival Program.

The Safe Arrival Program allows parents and guardians to report their child(ren)’s absence or late in advance, or before bell time for the current day. ... Continue reading "Safe Arrival Absence Reporting Procedure"

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Board News

Updated Joint Police Protocol

Updated Joint Police Protocol

September 19, 2024

 Dear York Catholic District School Board families and staff, 

Today, the York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB), the York Region District School Board (YRDSB), and the York Regional Police (YRP) announced an updated joint police protocol that will ensure a consistent approach to police involvement in York Region schools.

As a Catholic learning

... Continue reading "Updated Joint Police Protocol"

P.A. Day Disclosure: Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday, September 27, 2024, will be a P.A. Day in York Catholic District School Board (YCDSB) elementary and secondary schools. 

In accordance with the Ministry of Education’s Regulation 304, “School Year Calendar, Professional Activity Days,” the YCDSB is providing the following summary of staff activities for the P.A. Day on Friday, September 27, 2024.  

YCDSB P.A. Day: Friday,

... Continue reading "P.A. Day Disclosure: Friday, September 27, 2024"

2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan

Photo has text that says, "2024-2029 Long-Term Accommodation Plan. York Catholic District School Board." There are stylized lines and colours behind the text.

We would like your input on the Draft 2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan (LTAP) as presented at the Board meeting on April 30, 2024. A project page to provide you with information has been created on the YCDSB website for your reference.

The LTAP is a comprehensive, multi-year document that guides future accommodation planning

... Continue reading "2024-2029 Long Term Accommodation Plan"

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