We are happy to announce that “Play Day” is back for students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 and will take place on Thursday, June 20th (Rain Date June 21st)! The morning will be filled with a variety of fun activities led by our Grade 6 students! Our Grade 5 students will also assist with the day, as student team leaders! Our FDK students will participate in a mini version of this event (in the FDK yard) with many fun outdoor activities! All activities will take place outside so please plan according to the weather forecast – hats, water bottles, sunscreen etc. In the afternoon, students will get a chance to relax and watch a movie in their classrooms. We are excited about the return of the ICE CREAM TRUCK this year! This will be available to the entire school! Grades 1 to 5 will have ice cream in the morning during their playday rotation. Grades 7 and 8 will have their ice cream in the afternoon and Kindergarten and Grade 6 students will have their ice cream after last recess. More details will be shared via our School Messenger with regards to this treat. An Alternative slushy treat will be available for children with allergies.